Message from CEO

Daiwa Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in 1967 as a filament manufacturer. For over 20 years after the end of World War II, the history of electron microscopes advanced slowly. However, this was a period in which there were many unknown fields of electron microscopy both in Japan and overseas.
Against this backdrop, for 50 years since our founding, we have devoted ourselves to the production and development of electron microscope parts. We have since continued to work hard day and night by leveraging our proprietary know-how and refining our machining technology to the level of specialist. Our advanced technology has supported the electron microscope industry for half a century.
In 1994, the company changed its name to Daiwa Techno Systems Co., Ltd., and thanks to your continued support and cooperation, in addition to our filament machining technology, we now supply analytical equipment parts, semiconductor parts, and parts for vacuum film deposition equipment, and the technologies we developed in the process have made a significant contribution not only to the production of general electron microscope parts, but also to a variety of fields including space development and cutting-edge medical technology. We have continued to expand market share overseas, and receive high praise from our many valued customers.
In order to meet a wide range of customer needs, including those of national and public universities and government agencies, we will continue to devote all our energies into being of use to our customers and the world, while maintaining the spirit of manufacturing that has been in place since our founding, as well as the traditional techniques we have honed over the years. We look forward to your continued guidance and encouragement.